Digital Theatre+'s Higher Education Advisory Board
DT+ is continuing to evolve, and we are working to expand our coverage to include global performance forms, experimental, postdramatic and applied theatre work. We’re delighted to have the early input, support and critical encouragement of a core group of valued advisors, including:
Paul Allain
University of Kent
Maggie B. Gale
University of Manchester
Maria Delgado
The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
Anna Furse
Goldsmiths, University of London
Richard Gough
Aberystwyth University
Lisa Peck
University of Sussex
Duska Radosavljevic
The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
Carol Rutter
University of Warwick
We collaborate with 60+ world-leading academics and practitioners to provide an unprecedented range of content types in one easily accessible, carefully curated resource.